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It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

15th Episode - How to make more RENTAL income right now?

Let's talk: How to make more RENTAL INCOME right now?

If you're ready and eager to get some really good intel on what's going to help you get more out of your rental properties, specially in Sydney, or right now in the market we're in right now. Get your pen and paper. And let's get into it.

14th Episode - How building the RIGHT RELATIONSHIPS can save you thousands?

Let's talk: How building the right relationships can help you save thousands.

Make sure that the person that's giving you the advice, know knows what's better for your property knows what will work for your property. I want to go through the depth of who you're getting advice from and when you're building up the relationships, you need to have to be able to get you better rates to be able to get you more access to properties, to be able to understand what you need out of your project to build your resources, build your database, build your panel, it's all about relationships. So pick and choose who you're putting those relationships with, and who's adding value to what your project is, and who's not..

13th Episode - How to prepare your BUDGET before You renovate?

Let's talk: Budgets. I wanted to go in a bit more detail today in setting up your scope, putting it into your budget, the importance of understanding your scope and breaking it down. In enough detail so you know how to get your pricing and then getting your quotes, and then deciding who you're going to go with and what process to do prior to giving approval and then tracking your payment plan and your payment system. So in one document, you can really easily know where things are at, what you're doing, and how to get the most out of it.

12th Episode - TIME = MONEY: Are you MAXIMISING yours?

Let's talk about the concept of TIME=MONEY: Are you MAXIMISING yours?

Do you value your time enough that you can make the most money? How do you use your TIME to achieve your goals and objective? Maximise your time. So does that mean you need someone to help you? Does that mean you need to learn from someone to make sure you're doing it right? Does that mean you have enough experience to do it on your own? Have you planned out what you're going to do? How are you going to do it? How long to take and then your time factor in your time. Everything takes time. So when are you doing it, how you're doing it? How much time is going to take you? Because if you've got to do it outside of your job, and you're going to take eight weeks and someone else could do it for you in four weeks.

You can't get time back. But what you can do is value your time enough that you can use it to make the most amount of money that you can. Because the more money you make, the more your life can change. The more opportunities you create and more financial freedom.

11th Episode - How to MINIMISE BUDGET $$$ BLOWOUTS when you are renovating

Todays Let’s talk:  How to minimise BUDGET BLOWOUTS when you are renovating?  

When you are doing your renovation project you need to be able to make sure that you get the budget to where you want it to be and that during the project, you don't have budget blowouts to avoid a massive delay on your project and remove something from your scope. You also need to have a strict budget because if you invest too much money, you're not going to get the same asset return.

Get your pen and paper and don't forget to take notes of these important steps that for sure will help you big time during your renovation journey.

10th Episode - Are you MISSING out on $$$ from your RENTAL PROPERTY?

This week's episode:  Are you MISSING out $$$ on your RENTAL PROPERTY?  

As a landlord it's about understanding where the market is at all times, how much rent are you getting now, how much more you could be getting and understanding your property - It is about understanding what you want out of your property.  What does your property have that could attract a better tenant and more income?

9th Episode - When is the RIGHT TIME to renovate to MAXIMISE your ROI?

In this episode we are going to give you an insight into when is the RIGHT TIME to renovate to maximise your return on your investment.

What is your purpose as a landlord why you are renovating? Do you know your rent is now? Do you know your property is worth right now? Do you know if you have potential for your asset value to increase? Do you understand the type of tenant that you could attract that could pay more bucks? Do you understand what budget you could spend to strategically uplift your property to maximise your return?

8th Episode - Why planning in advance can save you thousands

Knowing what is your purpose and your goal why you want to renovate can help you map out what you want to do to get the most out of your property and to be able to set the right budget, mitigate your risk, and can save you thousands.

7th Episode - How can you make MORE MONEY on your RENTAL this 2023?

In this episode we will talk about how can you make more money on your rental property this 2023 by mapping out some of he due diligence you should do.

Take time to think about what is your property portfolio is right now. In terms of how many properties do you have? Are you still planning on buying something else? Where are you at? Especially if you're one of the Landlords that have to be complacent, relying on the property manager to tell you what you need and are kind of busy doing stuff.

Knowledge is key. So I'm sharing my knowledge, so you are equipped with the right tools to smash out getting more out of your property this year. Let us make sure that you walk away at the end of this year with the most out of your property.

6th Episode - How to start planning your PROPERTY JOURNEY this 2023?

How you should be planning about your property journey this 2023? How to do it the right way to mitigate the risk that you can encounter and to maximise the return on your investment?  Take some time to think about how you want your property portfolio would look like this year, in 3 years, in 5 years or in 10 years.  Renovation shouldn't be hard, it should be FUN, but only when you know what you're doing and how.

5th Episode - How to check if your Rental Property is performing at its best?

In this episode, we will talk about rental property. Tune in now and we will help you determine if your rental property is performing at its best.

4th Episode - The beginning of my renovation journey

I hope that all of you who listen to this will be inspired. Giving you a true insight into my journey, why I do this and how I began my renovating passion.

'GROWTH' is defined as going through a process or a specific way of growing and developing. It is also a significant decision to make and to put into action.

Looking back, I have experienced too many struggles and ups and downs. I am extremely honored and proud to have acquired these two companies and begin sharing my 10+ years of experience in renovating properties with all of you.

3rd Episode - How to gather the right information before you renovate?

Before you renovate, before you buy, buy you sell or before you rerent it's important to ask valuable questions. You need to know who's gonna be around you and knowing the right information. Pre-research will help you determine the budget, scope of work, ideal client/s, ideal buyer/s. In this episode, we'll also discuss the importance of gathering the right information before you renovate.

2nd Episode - How to know the value and potential of your property

Have you ever thought what your property value is? Tune in now and discover how valuable and potential your property is. We'll help you determine the steps on how to unlock your property's value and potential.

First Episode - Understanding What Your Property Goal Is

It's been a dream of mine for a while to start this podcast, and start building these workshops after being in this industry for so many years, and just seeing gaps everywhere that needed to be filled across different types of clients, different budgets, different areas of Australia. So I'm very, very honored and blessed that the moment has come that I'm able to get this expertise across to more people, and have the time to sit down and go through my passion. So today, we're gonna start super, super basics from the very absolutely beginning. And today's all about understanding what your property goal is. And that may that may be from the absolute beginning of your young, or not even young, but you've never bought a property before.